Available Now:
18 week old Austrawhites $32
6 week old Rhode Island Reds, Barred Rocks, Silver Laced Wyandottes, White Leghorns, Red Productions, Blue Stars, Australorps $20
​​​Pullets for sale
*Several breeds offered. Price depends on age and breed. ​
Standard Prices ​
Age Standard *Rare **Very Rare ***Specialty Breeds
Breeds Breeds Breeds
6 weeks $20 $22 $24 Varies by breed
8 weeks $22 $24 $26 Varies by breed
10 weeks $24 $26 $28 Varies by breed
12 weeks $26 $28 $30 Varies by breed
14 weeks $28 $30 $32 Varies by breed
16 weeks $30 $32 $34 Varies by breed
18 weeks $32 $34 $36 Varies by breed
20 weeks $34 $36 $38 Varies by breed
Point of Lay $40 $45 $50 Varies by breed
Please bring crates, boxes, or some type of transport for your pullets. See the "Shipping and Delivery" page for information about local pickup.​
Pick Up Only! There is no shipping offered on grow-outs. Price listed reflects the age of the bird when they are picked up, not the date of purchase if pre-ordered.​
Pre-orders require full payment.
Unfortunately, we do not have space to hold chickens beyond their designated pick-up date. Pullets not picked up during the designated week will incur a $1/day fee. Pullets not picked up within 2 weeks of their designated pick-up time will be considered abandoned and offered for resale. ​​
It is true that birds of a feather flock together! We suggest that birds be purchased in groups of 2 or more per age group.​
New birds introduced to a flock will needs time and a safe place to integrate to avoid injury, bullying, and pecking by the existing flock. We are happy to discuss a plan with you to give your new chicks the best chance at a happy integration!​​​