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Change Is Gonna Do Us Good


Hello All!

After one of the most trying seasons in a long time, we are glad to be saying goodbye to 2023! We have faced several challenges this year including the loss of a very dear friend. Due to some ongoing health issues, we made the decision to scale our poultry operation WAY back. We did not offer and summer/fall chicks as we were just not physically able to manage hatching and sales.

Now for the good news- We are doing better and moving forward! Here are some changes going on at PAF:

*We are rebuilding with Buff Orpingtons, Cream Crested Legbars, Buff and Gold Laced Polish and Easter Eggers. We will have VERY LIMITED offering in Spring of 2024. Our goal is to be 100% operational and running at full speed ahead in the fall. We also hope to slowly add back some additional breeds. It's just not the same without all my crazy colored babies!

*We moved our website in order to offer online purchasing. We still have some kinks to work out there, but it should be running smoothly by the time we are incubating and selling chicks! With this, we also changed our email. We will continue to monitor the others for a short time.

*More grandbabies are on the way!!!! In addition to our AMAZING Macie, we are adding two new blessings to our family. Jay is due early April and Stormy is expected to be here mid-April!

We want to thank all our friends, family, and customers who helped us get through 2023. We fully believe that God has a plan for many amazing things for all of us in 2024!

Love, Leslie and Rebecca

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